Pentagon to Begin Sending Furlough Notices on Friday
A very few Defense civilians are exempt from mandatory unpaid leave.
The Defense Department plans to send out civilian furlough notices on March 22, a Pentagon spokeswoman told Government Executive on Tuesday.
Civilians will have the opportunity to appeal their furloughs from March 28 through April 1, according to Federal News Radio. Decision letters will be sent from March 29 through April 24, and the furloughs will take place between April 25 and Sept. 21. Civilians at the Defense Department will be furloughed 22 days.
Unions representing civilians at the Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground and the Army Corps of Engineers in Walla Walla, Wash., received initial furlough notices at the end of February, CNN reported.
However, an Army spokesman told Government Executive last week that civilian personnel working in fire, safety and health positions are exempt from furloughs. The Air Force and Navy are applying similar policies, spokeswomen for the services told Government Executive. Defense Education Activity teachers working in combat zones may also be exempted from furloughs, according to Stars and Stripes.
Correction: The original version of this story incorrectly characterized CNN's reporting on furlough notices sent in February. They went to unions, not employees.