
Lawmakers press VA to report on the delays in its burn pit registry revamp

An October 2022 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine said VA should “initiate a new phase” of its Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to make it “a user-friendly, efficient and effective resource.”

‘We’re flying blind’: CDC has 1 million bird flu tests ready, but experts see repeat of COVID missteps

Three months into the U.S. bird flu outbreak, only 45 people have been tested. Laboratories say their path forward has been slowed by miscommunication and uncertainty.

Senate bill aims to streamline how agencies respond to wildfires

Much like the workforce-focused wildfire bill introduced last week in the House, the EMBER Act draws its provisions from the recommendations of a recent bipartisan commission report.

Exit interview: OMB’s Customer Experience guru Amira Boland

Boland was the first to take on the role of customer experience lead at the White House, and she sees great potential even beyond her departure.

Agencies spell out how climate change will affect their employees and what they’ll do to protect them

The Biden administration is looking to protect federal workers and agency missions in the fact of extreme weather.

In spending bill, House Republicans are ‘deeply concerned’ with DeJoy’s USPS reform plans

While typically sympathetic to the postmaster general, Republicans are suggesting he chart a different course.

Feds invest $60M to boost local climate resilience and workforce development

The Climate-Ready Workforce initiative looks to place individuals in good-paying jobs that help advance coastal communities’ climate resilience.

Bird Flu tests are hard to get. So how will we know when to sound the pandemic alarm?

If the government doesn’t prepare to ramp up H5N1 bird flu testing, researchers warn, the United States could be caught off guard again by a pandemic.

White House enlists doctors and hospitals to combat gun violence

Calling gun violence a “public health crisis,” the Biden administration is asking state and local health departments, health systems and hospitals to boost their data collection on emergency room visits for firearm-related injuries.

Court rules for DHS employees alleging their division was disbanded in retaliation to their whistleblowing

The decision sets a new precedent for federal employees that denied promotions -- even if never fully promised -- can amount to retaliation.

Executive order limiting asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border signed by Biden

The White House order would cap asylum requests at the southern border at 2,500 daily crossings.

Former NSA head feels ‘really good’ about election security come November

Paul Nakasone, the recently retired head of NSA and CYBERCOM, said the intelligence community has everything it needs to combat election interference attempts later this year.

Biden issues veto threat as GOP outlines proposed cuts for FY25

House Republicans are teeing up party-line votes on spending bills that include cuts Biden and Democrats will not accept.

FEMA is promising to be more 'forward-leaning' this hurricane season

The agency wants to get its staff deployed earlier in the process ahead of what is shaping up to be an intense period of potential disasters.