
Trump’s Air Force One Tweet Rattles the Defense Industry

Was the president-elect trying to drive down a price tag — or slap back at a CEO’s policy suggestions?


Ex-Navy Contract Officer Gets Prison Time in 'Fat Leonard' Scandal

Paul Simpkins pleads guilty to taking bribes for steering contracts to Malaysia-based firm. 


Littoral Combat Ship, at a Critical Juncture

With the ship’s purchase plans in doubt, detractors exchange fire with Navy supporters at contentious Senate hearing.


Obama is Quietly Expanding the War on Terror in Africa While the World is Distracted by Trump

If congress doesn’t become more assertive, future presidents are likely to head into even murkier legal terrain.


Transparency Groups Hail Removal of FOIA Exceptions in Defense Bill

Critics had said Pentagon would have shielded documents on torture, sexual assault.


The Pentagon Wants Eye-Reading Software, X-Ray Tools, and A Virtual Facebook to Fight Terrorism

Here’s a list of gear the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office is seeking to give U.S. counterterror operators.


Trump Taps James Mattis for Defense Secretary

The president-elect called the retired Marine general “the closest thing we have to General George Patton of our time.”


Compromise Defense Policy Bill Elevates Cyber Command

The bill, which could be voted on this week, also places restrictions on splitting CYBERCOM from NSA.


A Glimpse At How the F-35 Will Help the Marines Storm the Beach

In a California demonstration, the short-takeoff fighters escorted troop-carrying V-22s into simulated hostile territory.

Pay & Benefits

Hill Negotiators Ignore Obama and Give Troops Biggest Pay Raise in 6 Years

Conference committee settles on a 2.1 percent military boost, rejecting the White House's request for a 1.6 percent raise.


Why Donald Trump Needs David Petraeus

The president-elect doesn’t understand that war is politics, because he lacks experience in both war and politics.


Will the Department of Defense Invest in People or Technology?

The Trump administration will determine the future of the Third Offset, a plan for ensuring the long-term competitive advantage of the U.S. armed forces.


Boeing Defense CEO Weighs Spending More Time in DC

The shift would follow a raft of larger organizational and personnel changes at the aerospace giant.


The F-35B Just Got A Lot Deadlier

In a proof-of-concept experiment, data passed instantly from a Marine Corps fighter allowed a shipboard Aegis system to shoot down a drone.


America’s War-by-Airstrike in Three Charts

The U.S.-led air war against the Islamic State in Mosul, Raqqa, and the region, visualized.


The Other Michael Flynn

Donald Trump’s national security advisor sounded very different when he was running counterinsurgency campaigns in Kabul.