
As Mosul Battle Rages, Carter Heads to Europe for Anti-ISIS Talks

A long-scheduled gathering becomes a real-time assessment for the complex offensive.


Denying Trump’s Denial, U.S. Intel Chief Says There’s More Evidence of Russian Hacking

The nation’s top intelligence official says “forensic and other” evidence proves Russian election interference.


Refusing to Nuke First

Why rejecting nuclear preemption reflects strength, not weakness


Lockheed’s Pitch: Buy Our Training Jet, Save Taxpayers $1 Billion

Company officials say they can build the jets faster, and that should give them a leg up in the T-X bid evaluation.


Election Could Have a Major Impact on DHS Agencies

A new analysis shows how Clinton and Trump might reshape the direction of Homeland Security.


The U.S. Relief Mission to Haiti Is Also a Signal to America’s Neighbors, and Russia

The leader of U.S. Southern Command hopes helpful actions speak louder than Moscow’s words.


Should Sailors Be Able to Reprogram Their Ship?

The U.S. Navy’s newest destroyer is automated to an unprecedented degree. Should the crew be allowed to harness it with code?


The Apps They Carried: Software, Big Data, and the Fight for Mosul

A variety of digital tech tools aim to provide coalition forces some sense of the dangers around the next bend.


Former NCIS Supervisor Gets Longest Sentence Yet in 'Fat Leonard' Bribery Case

Special agent who admits to regularly searching confidential databases for reports of investigations related to the scheme receives 12 years in prison.


Feds Charge Three Kansas Men in Domestic Terror Plot

Prosecutors say the trio targeted an apartment complex housing immigrants and a mosque for a post-election attack.


How Geography Explains Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Because of its location, America can choose whether it wants to be a gatekeeper or a global policeman.


Potemkin Jets Unlikely To Fool U.S. Satellites

But Russia’s inflatable decoys just might tie up scarce U.S. resources long enough to make a difference.


Facebook Is Ramping Up Its Counterterrorism Strategy

The social network is figuring out how terrorists use social media.


Next Defense Chief Should Make Deputy a Real Manager, Says Business Board

Transition advice from industry chieftains would also elevate Pentagon comptroller.


The U.S. Is Making Its Border Stations More Welcoming

Despite Republican appeals for a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, America is investing in more secure, welcoming facilities along its borders.


Pentagon Urgently Pushing Anti-Drone Tech to ISIS Fight

From mast-mounted radar to drone-jamming guns, the U.S. military’s anti-IED office is rushing to keep up.


State Department Has a Ways to Go to Achieve Proper Classification of Documents

Inspector general faults training, outdated lists of officials with authority to determine secrecy levels.

Pay & Benefits

TRICARE Lowers Mental Health Care Co-Pays, Expands Treatment Options

This month retirees and dependents started paying $13 less per visit for outpatient care and substance abuse treatment.