
New Wave of Deportations Likely to Deepen Rift Between Immigrant Communities and the Administration

The administration's system for protecting asylum-seekers and other immigrants has major flaws, ones that have led to deaths following deportations.


More than a Small Mention of Fake Islands is in the Pentagon's New China Report

The annual military assessment includes 7 full pages about South China Sea construction, up from 2 paragraphs last yea


Senate Bill Would Allow Services to Restore Full Per Diem Rates for Defense Travelers

House and Senate versions of NDAA contain changes to a controversial Pentagon policy that reduced per diems for those on extended travel.

Pay & Benefits

Military Pay Raise, TRICARE Reform Bill Advances in Senate

Panel approves NDAA which also calls on Defense to reduce the Senior Executive Service by 25 percent by 2019.


More Fallout From the Iran Sailor Incident

The U.S. Navy relieves an officer of command for his role in the January 12 detention of 10 U.S. sailors by Iranian forces.


America's Last Fighter Jet Makers Scramble to Keep Production Alive

The end is nearing for the F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 lines unless more orders come in soon.


The First Infantry Women of the U.S. Marines

The Corps has approved two women for roles previously open only to men.


Pentagon Shakes Up Silicon Valley Outreach

Defense Secretary Ash Carter gives DIUx new leaders, a new office, and a promotion.


The United States Has Taken in Only 17% of the Syrian Refugees It Pledged This Year

Canada, by comparison, has accepted more than 25,000 people in its refugee resettlement program.


West Point Won't Punish Cadets Seen in Photograph With Their Fists Raised

Controversy over the photograph, taken on April 26, erupted after it was published in the Army Times.


Trump May Be the Military’s Least-Liked GOP Presidential Candidate in a Long Time

Mitt Romney, John McCain, and George W. Bush all polled higher, according to Military Times surveys.


Obama to Make a Historic Visit to Hiroshima

The president will go to the city, one of two to be attacked with a U.S. nuclear device, later this month, the White House said.


House Move to ‘Repurpose’ Overseas War Funding Is Risky, Critics Say

The plan would shift $18 billion from overseas contingency operations to the Pentagon’s base budget.


West Point Is Investigating the Viral Photo of Black Cadets With Raised Fists

Despite its potent political history, the gesture made by the students in the photo could mean anything.


F-35 Production Set to Quadruple As Factory Retools

After years of delays, the Joint Strike Fighter program is finally ready to hit the afterburner.