
Pentagon Travel Expense Cuts Are Hurting Navy Ship Maintenance

DoD policy reducing long-term travel per diem rates is generating widespread backlash.


IT Problems Still Bedevil DOD-VA Health Care Center

Because of different network security standards, the two departments share resources over three networks -- not one.


We're On the Same Side, Carter Tells Silicon Valley

As the FBI-vs.-Apple battle heats up, the defense secretary makes his own pitch to the tech industry.

Pay & Benefits

Senators to Pentagon: Don't Mess With Commissary Employees' Compensation

A proposal would convert workers to a different personnel structure, potentially reducing their pay and benefits.


Apple Wins Round One in its Encryption Fight With the FBI

A federal judge in New York rules in the company’s favor on the same legal principle that the FBI is using in California.


Why Fertility Treatments Aren’t Covered for Veterans

The government will help active-duty soldiers with the cost of IVF, but vets don’t have the same benefit—even when combat injuries make it impossible to have kids otherwise.


FBI Head: Apple is Taking Us To a ‘Different World’

Officials say Apple is creating a situation where FBI can’t do its job. Apple says the FBI is seeking "dangerous power." Who’s right?


Whistleblower Persuades Navy to Correct Risky Jet Fuel Waste

Office of Special Counsel brought to light discarding of 12,000 gallons a year.


Why is the Air Force’s Cyber R&D Budget Skyrocketing?

The branch wants to nearly quadruple the current $7.7 million purse for defending networked aircraft, launch systems, satellites and data.


Top Admiral Asks U.S. Allies to Help Buzz China’s Fake Islands

The four-star admiral of U.S. Pacific Command told Congress he wants other countries to join the U.S. in flying, sailing near China’s new islands (and that new radar).


Why Are There So Many Copies of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall?

There are multiple copies and even traveling versions of the wall. This increases access, but does it dilute the meaning of the monument?


What's New in Obama's Plan to Close Guantanamo

The White House’s plan gives Congress 13 different sites to choose from—and just added a lot of fuel to an already heated topic in a national security election year.


Apple and the FBI Break the Fourth Wall

In their ongoing clash, the two notoriously secret organizations are fighting for Americans' hearts and minds.


Military Contractors Return in Numbers to Iraq

Behind the president’s directive to ‘accelerate’ the counter-ISIS campaign came a surge in the number of contractors assisting in the campaign against ISIS.


James Comey Defends the Bureau's Position in Its Battle With Apple

The bureau’s director says the litigation with the tech company isn’t about trying to set a precedent, but about justice for the victims of the San Bernardino attack.


U.S. Airstrikes in Libya Reportedly Targets a Tunisian ISIS Leader

The strike reportedly targeted a militant who masterminded two major attacks in Tunisia last year.

Pay & Benefits

Military’s Paid Maternity Leave Now 12 Weeks; Feds Still At Zero

The Defense secretary has broad discretion to determine paid maternity leave for female service members.