
These Are the New Weapons the Pentagon Chief Wants for Tomorrow's Wars

Defense secretary lays out his vision for the next decade’s killer capabilities in 2017 budget preview.


Air Force Stands Up Space Mission Force to Counter Russia, China

The service is reorganizing for battle in space, but threats may be progressing faster than fixes.


Can this Stanford Professor Turn the Pentagon into a Lean Startup?

Steve Blank is part of a team teaching a class called "Hacking for Defense" at Stanford University’s engineering school.


On the Issues: How the Presidential Candidates Would Tackle VA Reform

The first in a series of graphics illustrating the 2016 contenders’ views on the best way to manage the bureaucracy and federal workforce.


The US Is Being 'Dangerous and Irresponsible' in the South China Sea, Beijing says

A U.S. guided-missile destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of Triton island in South China Sea on Saturday.

Pay & Benefits

1.6 Percent Pay Raise for Service Members in 2017?

President’s upcoming budget proposal reportedly will contain a slightly higher pay boost for members of the military next year.


America’s Misplaced Faith in Bombing Campaigns

Many think of aerial bombardment as a cheap, effective alternative to spilling American blood. They're wrong.


Afghanistan Growing More Dangerous for U.S. Rebuilders

Lack of security makes it nearly impossible to manage reconstruction projects.

Pay & Benefits

Female Service Members Will Get 12 Weeks of Paid Maternity Leave

The change doubles the amount of such leave currently available to most women in the military.


Homeland Security Offers Training to Combat Human Trafficking

Awareness effort for all agencies is part of governmentwide enforcement campaign.


Are the Oregon Occupiers Ready to Give Up Yet?

Ammon Bundy asked them to leave, but three members of the militia who left and were arrested Wednesday say the remnant intends to stay.


Obama Taps New General to Lead Afghan War

Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, an Army Ranger, will become the latest officer to lead the 14-year-old war.


ISIS, Global Threats Boost U.S. Arms Exports

Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor, reported strong export growth, and it’s not alone.


A Dramatic Turn in the Oregon Standoff: Eight Arrests and a Death

Militia leaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy were taken into custody and spokesman LaVoy Finicum killed after an encounter with the FBI and state police.


Why Is the Undocumented-Immigrant Population Dropping?

The number of people living in the U.S. illegally has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, a new study finds, despite the campaign-trail rhetoric to the contrary.


Drones, Valor, and the Future of the Military

Traditional definitions of heroism don’t always account for the practitioners of advanced war-fighting tactics.


Old American Warplanes Still Frighten North Korea

The B-52 bomber might be more than 50 years old, but when it flies near the Korean peninsula, Kim Jong-un’s government pays attention.