
Hillary Clinton Links Guns, Terrorism in Security Address

“Terrorists use guns to kill Americans, and I think we should make it harder for them to do that ever again,” Clinton said.


Kerry, Lavrov Meet on Syria's Civil War

Kerry is in Moscow where he is hoping to narrow differences with Russia on ways to end the conflict.


Air Force to Ask for More Drones

Plan would add 3,500 Reaper pilots and up to five more ops centers around the country

Pay & Benefits

TSP Board Starts to Tackle Military Retirement Reform

Agency that runs the government’s 401(k)-style benefit ramps up to auto-enroll new troops beginning in 2018.


Dunford: New Defense Staff Needed to Meet Transregional Threats

Today’s system of regional combatant commanders is ill-suited for broader challenges, Joint Chiefs chair says.


Bowe Bergdahl's Fate Will Be Decided by a General Court-Martial

The accused deserter, held for years by the Taliban, could face life in prison if convicted.


Obama: ISIS Losing Territory, Influence As American Troops Push South in Syria

Speaking at the Pentagon, the president says an expanded war effort — ordered before the Paris attack — is well underway.


Ladies, Join the Military For Equal Pay

The corporate world could learn a few lessons from the US military.


Meet the Military-Funded Artificial Intelligence that Learns as Fast as a Human

Today, it recognizes handwriting; tomorrow, it may vastly improve the military’s surveillance and targeting efforts.


Shipyard Senators Want Pentagon Travel Cuts Repealed

Bipartisan effort urges appropriators to reverse year-old cuts to long-term travel per diems for service members and Defense civilians.


Former State Department Employee Admits to Cyberstalking, 'Sextortion'

Former London embassy staffer pleads guilty to phishing scheme targeting hundreds.


U.S. General: Russia Could Block Access to Baltic Sea

Moscow’s recent war games in its Kaliningrad exclave have included mock nuclear strikes, the top U.S. Army general in Europe said.


FBI Director: It’s Impossible to Ban All Encryption

The government can at least make it harder to hide from surveillance, James Comey says.


Carter Will Consider Sending Advisers, Helicopters to Ramadi to Fight ISIS

Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Wednesday the administration is prepared to send advisers and helicopters to aid Iraqi forces—if Iraq wants them.


Multiple Agencies Join Effort to Track ISIS-Damaged Antiquities

State Department initiative leads to Washington conference planned for Friday.


Defense Department: Trump’s Muslim Ban is ‘Counter to National Security’

GOP frontrunner draws extraordinary rebuke from Department of Defense, State, Homeland Security, Congress, and Republican Party leaders.