
The Army's Biggest Concern Right Now Is Congress

The Army, like the rest of the military, says its top worry is trying to prepare soldiers to fight when Congress can’t even give them a budget.


During World War II, Sex Was a National-Security Threat

The government detained and quarantined so-called “patriotutes” to protect soldiers from sexually transmitted diseases.


White House Cancels Syrian Train-and-Equip Program

The Pentagon now plans to focus on training just key Syrian leaders and sending more arms — and air cover — to fighters already on the ground.


Defense Authorization Bill Heads to Obama, Who Readies Veto Pen

The 2016 NDAA would give the Pentagon all the money the White House requested — but without resolving four-year-old budget caps.


Obama Apologizes for Afghan Hospital Bombing

He called the president of Doctors Without Borders on Wednesday to send his condolences.


Senate Moves Defense Policy Bill One Step Closer to Obama’s Veto Pen

But enough Democrats got on board to give Republicans the votes to override it in the Senate.


White House: Doctors Without Borders Incident Is a 'Tragedy'

There will be three investigations into the incident, the White House press secretary said Monday.

Pay & Benefits

Navy Employees Lose Furlough Case on Appeal

Court upholds MSPB’s ruling favoring agency in case involving 2013 sequester furloughs.


$460 Million CYBERCOM Contract Coming this Month; ‘Cyber Joint Munitions’ Help Wanted

The first job under the forthcoming contract to outsource all mission support involves a lot of digital munitions-making.


Congress Keeps Cuts to Pentagon Travel Per Diems

The final version of the fiscal 2016 Defense authorization bill does not repeal a policy that resulted in lower per diems for long-term government travelers.


Director: DARPA's Cyber Strategy So Far Has Been 'Patch and Pray'

DARPA needs to adopt commercial technology and re-purpose it for military use, Arati Prabhakar said.


The Pentagon Used to Hook Everything To The Internet. Now It’s a ‘Big Problem’

The Internet of Things is supposed to make life easier. For the Pentagon, the quintessential early adopter, it has made life much harder


Reports: HBO and Snapchat Are Helping the Government Fight ISIL Propaganda

To date, the government hasn't been able to create a counter-narrative that works.


Troops Would Get Paid On Time During Shutdown Under Bill

Republican reintroduces Pay Our Military Act, which would also ensure some civilians do not miss a paycheck if government closes.


John McCain: Pentagon’s Lack of Cyber Policy Is Illegal

Senators pressed Defense and intelligence officials on rules of war for cyberspace at a Tuesday hearing.


Congress Gives Disabled Vets Hired as Feds Advance Sick Leave

Bill aims to help wounded warriors get to doctors’ appointments without eating up leave.


Starting in 2016, Women Can Be Navy SEALs

It won't be easy, says a Naval commander, but "[it's] the right thing to do."


Both DOD and the Intelligence Community are Working on Major IT Upgrades. Will They Work Together?

The two initiatives must play well with each other to ensure national security imperatives are best executed across all missions and personnel levels.