
Report: 'Zero Dark Thirty' Creators Gave CIA Agents Jewelry, Liquor, Meals

Government documents uncovered by Vice News show that Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow wined and dined spies for info.


If Elected, Clinton Says She Will Have a More Active Foreign Policy

'I think we have not done enough’ on Syria, Russia, cybersecurity, and more, she says


Spy Chief Calls Iran Deal Workable, Commits to Transparency

Clapper compares intelligence community's "great responsibilities" to Spiderman's.


Experts: Stop Calling Everything Cyberwar

Flubbing cyber terminology could have real-world consequences.


Pentagon Moves Ahead With HQ Staff Cuts

Union says civilian employees will bear the brunt of "indiscriminate cuts."


Obama Administration Delays Plan to Close Guantanamo While Searching for Domestic Alternative

As weeks slip away, Pentagon officials say they’re only on ‘step one’ of a crucial survey of alternate locations for the detainees.


How the Army is Unlocking Soldier Suicide

Service officials can identify soldiers who are most at risk, but acting on that information poses a moral dilemma.


It Takes the Federal Government Two Years to Process a Refugee Application from Syria

More than four million Syrians have left their homes since civil war broke out in 2011.


House Benghazi Probe Leader: Former Top Clinton Aide Mills 'Answered All of the Committee's Questions'

Trey Gowdy says the nine-hour interview with Cheryl Mills will be ‘treated as classified,’ rebuffing a senior Democrat’s call for the transcript’s immediate release.


TSA's 'Airport of the Future' Includes More Biometrics and 'Intelligence-Driven' Procedures

With an influx of 1.1 billion passengers over the next two decades, TSA technology and procedures will need to change.


John Kerry, After Iran Deal Victory, Stays on the Defensive

The State Department chief continued to decry a now-unlikely rejection.


Army Opens Ranger Course to Women

The test is over: future classes of the elite Ranger School will be open to all candidates.


Defense Officials Head to Charleston To Assess Alternative Guantanamo Plan

Amid a last push to close the detention facility in Cuba, the Obama administration is giving the naval brig in South Carolina a fresh look.


ISIS: Our New Currency Will Destroy America's Capitalist Financial System

The new currency is made up of coins of gold dinars, silver dirhams and copper fulus.


Watchdog: Pentagon Should Integrate Military Services' Efforts at 'Better Buying Power'

Programs are often redundant while affordability studies get ignored due to fragmented governance, GAO finds.


As New Book Arrives, Pentagon Warns Special Operators Against Leaks

Defense secretary, SOCOM remind troops to keep secrets as new details of bin Laden raid and other missions emerge.


Here's How JSOC Became a Manhunting Machine

A brief history of special operations, from Panama to the war on terror.


Can US Cyber Nerve Center Hold Onto Its New Leaders?

"Churn over there within DHS has been problematic," says departed official.