
Study: America Needs New Small Nuclear Bombs

CSIS’ Clark Murdock argues that only such weapons can deter rogue states from seeking nukes of their own


To Advance the Mission, More Feds Should Consider Doing Less

Managers often mistake complexity for sophistication, and the result is bad for everyone, a former military acquisition executive argues.


Want to Implement Emerging Tech Successfully? Start Small

The best bet to get the best bang for your tech bucks is by piloting smaller projects, DOD strategists say.


Drone Pilot Psychologist Says They Need a Vacation From War

The men and women fighting America’s drone war can’t go home, no matter where they are.

Pay & Benefits

Most in the Military Get No Retirement-Savings Help. That Could Be Changing.

Under the current system, personnel who serve 20-plus years get a pension. But what about everyone else?


Why John McCain Thinks the Days of Fighter Pilots Are Over

The Senate Armed Services Committee chairman sees a drone-heavy future, but only if the military-industrial complex can be nimble enough to achieve it.


When the Defense Bill Collides With 'Extraneous' Politics

The Pentagon authorization measure always has to sail through controversy before passage. But this year's fight over budgeting is especially tough.


Top Defense Officials Told Congress Parts of the Pentagon's ISIS Strategy

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs chair Martin Dempsey testified before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.


Democrats Go Wobbly on Defense Bills

The defense authorization and appropriations bills use the same gimmick, so why are Democrats standing firm on one but not the other?


Oversight Chairman: Obama Needs to Fire OPM Chief

“I think it’s time for them to resign, and if they don’t, I think the president should fire them,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz said of leadership at the Office of Personnel Management.


DISA Plans to Cut Redundant Tech in 2015-2020

In its strategic plan, DISA states its intent to take advantage of commercially available cloud technology, among other efforts.

Pay & Benefits

Border Patrol Agents Can Now Check Out New Overtime Details

Proposed rule outlines the specifics of a new, less generous compensation system to replace administratively uncontrollable overtime.


TSA Nomination Advances to Senate Floor

Coast Guard Vice Adm. Neffenger would arrive on heels of reports faulting airport screening and worker vetting practices.


Democrats Set to Block Defense Bill Amid GOP Attacks

The Senate minority wants to make a stand on budget caps, and the majority hopes to make them pay for it.


No More Charging Strippers to Uncle Sam's Plastic

Defense spending bill prohibits department civilian and military personnel from using government charge cards for gaming or adult entertainment.


Military Chiefs Say They’re Often Blindsided By Acquisition Problems

Interviews with service leaders show a rift between commanders and their colleagues responsible for purchasing weapons, GAO finds.


House Approves 2.3 Percent Pay Raise in 2016 For Troops

The chamber's Defense spending bill is at odds with the Senate's version, which calls for a 1.3 percent pay increase.


Pentagon Backs Major Changes to Retirement System

Proposal would reduce pensions for career service members through a blended system that elevates the role of the Thrift Savings Plan.