Defense One

Obama Nominates Former Afghanistan War Deputy To Lead Army

Gen. Mark Milley would inherit an Army still transitioning from big budget wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to a much more complex mix of military threats — and needs — around the globe.

Defense One

Obama Nominates Nuclear Chief To Head Navy

Adm. John Richardson, a submariner, would become the first head of the Navy’s nuclear-propulsion shop to rise to chief of naval operations.


Officials Investigate Cause of Deadly Train Accident Outside Philadelphia

A New York-bound Northeast Regional train derailed Tuesday night, killing at least six and injuring more than 50.


NSA Officials Lobby Senators as Patriot Act Nears Deadline

The White House is supporting an NSA reform bill, but Mitch McConnell wants to keep the spying program unchanged.


John Kerry Is In Russia to 'Maintain Direct Lines of Communication'

The Secretary of State went to Sochi on Tuesday to meet with Vladimir Putin for the first direct talks in two years.


Jeb Bush Bets Voters Care More About Obama's Iraq Than His Brother's

With the U.S. public again finding its appetite for intervention, the real question facing Jeb Bush for 2016 is: What would you do about Iraq now?


Battles Over the Pentagon's Budget Are Likely This Week

Both chambers of Congress will work on defense authorization measures this week.


Finding a Cure for What Ails Defense Acquisition

Why the Pentagon’s prescription for staying ahead of the curve falls short.


On Foreign Policy, Congress Still Follows the Leader

Despite the Iran review bill, President Obama has been gaining—not losing—power to negotiate and wage war abroad.


Who is Paul Selva, Obama's Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Nominee?

Two key military assignments helped position Air Force Gen. Paul Selva to become the next Vice Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff — and perhaps, eventually, the chairman.


Many Projects in Pentagon’s Emerging Tech Program Still Stuck in Development

Only about half of projects GAO examined had been transitioned to a government acquisition program, a military user, a prime contractor or eventually commercialized.


Defense Panel’s Military Compensation Reforms Aren’t Bold Enough, Say Former Service Members

Politics, timidity and a resistance to change in government are threatening the sustainability of the armed forces.


Chelsea Manning Proposed a Bill from Prison

The convicted soldier wants to change the laws that landed her there.


Can Analytics Save US Soldiers from Suicide?

The Army is in the midst of a five-year effort that aims to identify factors that protect or put at risk a soldier’s mental health.


Pentagon Officials Slam Republicans' Budget as a 'Gimmick' and 'Road to Nowhere'

An increase in spending through the Overseas Contingency Operations fund is short-sighted, officials say.