
NSA: Rules of War Apply to Cyberwar, Too

In the tightly controlled discussion about cyber weapons, this counts as a step toward transparency.


The House Wants to Let You Bring a Gun to Army Corps Land

Spending bill includes another attempt to lift Army Corps ban on firearms.


The War Against the Islamic State Will Go Undeclared

Congress won't approve President Obama's proposed authorization of military force, but it won't limit him either.

Pay & Benefits

The Pentagon Says This Man Can Fix Its Broken Personnel System

Army Under Secretary and former Congressman Brad Carson takes the reins in an office that has seen nine leaders since 2009.


When Security Screening Crosses the Line

A screener at the Denver airport allegedly conspired to grope the genitals of male passengers he found attractive


It Just Got Easier to Contest Inclusion on the No Fly List

For starters, DHS will now tell people if they’re on the list; ACLU says new procedures aren’t enough.


The White House May Be Coming Around to the Senate Iran Deal

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was vaguely optimistic on Tuesday about the president’s thoughts on the latest version of the bill.


New Technology Will Allow Navy To Target with Jamming Pods

Faster datalinks will allow the Navy’s EA-18 Growler to pinpoint insurgents with weapons-quality accuracy.


White House Mounts Massive Lobbying Campaign on Iran Deal

The administration is racing to prevent a veto-proof majority for a bill that would give Congress the power to block a nuclear deal.


NSA’s Grand Plan to Snowden-Proof Its Data Using the Cloud

No one in the intelligence community wants to face another leak. With NSA’s widespread adoption of cloud computing, the spy agency may not have to.


Pentagon Strives for Even Better Buying Power

Upgrade to acquisition strategy stresses long-range R&D, cybersecurity and commercial sourcing.