
Twice as Many Vets Will Now Be Eligible for Non-VA Care

After pressure, department changes Choice program requirement related to calculating a vet’s distance from the nearest VA facility.

Pay & Benefits

Some Feds Just Got a 34 Percent Pay Boost

The change affects blue-collar workers in western North Dakota, where the oil and natural gas boom have increased private wages and the cost of living.


TSA Gave Expedited Screening to Former Domestic Terror Group Member

A supervisor overruled an alert officer who recognized the felon and raised concerns.

Defense One

Pentagon: The Costs of Major Weapon Systems Are Finally Coming Down

More than four years since Ashton Carter took on reforming Pentagon acquisition, the cost of the largest arms projects is beginning to stabilize, defense officials say.

Defense One

The Pentagon’s Top Intelligence Chief Is Out

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers announced his retirement from service by the end of April.

Defense One

Tom Cotton, the GOP's Newest Hawk, Takes Flight

Is Sen. Tom Cotton the hawk to lead the GOP back to national security supremacy?


Study: Americans Are Mostly OK With Government Surveillance

Americans seem to have greeted the revelations about government snooping from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden with a shrug.


DISA Drops $1.6B Contract after Controversy

The cancellation comes as several companies protested the award in February.


Is There a 'Sickening Child Porn Crisis Infecting' the Federal Government?

Arrest of State Department employee Sunday on voyeurism charges is the latest sign of a much bigger problem, Daily Beast reports.

Defense One

Navy To Increase the Number of Deployed Ships to the Middle East, Asia

The U.S. Navy’s new maritime strategy calls for more forward-deployed ships and preparing for war against a near-peer and insurgents, including Islamic State militants.


What Can the Pentagon Learn From Amazon?

Military analysts would benefit from a larger, more transparent knowledge database, NGIC commander Nichoel Brooks said recently.


Pentagon on Path to Launch Hacker-Proof Boeing Drone by 2018

Defense industry programmers are rewriting software on the helicopter drone to prevent outsiders from digitally infiltrating the aerial vehicle.


Obama's War Authority Request Is Stuck

A month after the White House released a draft AUMF, the measure isn't gaining support in either chamber or party.

Defense One

Pacific Command’s Adm. Locklear Shortlisted for Joint Chiefs Chairman

PACOM commander Adm. Samuel Locklear asked to delay retirement so Carter can consider him for chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Halvorsen Now Defense Department’s Permanent CIO

Terry Halvorsen gets the bump from acting CIO and will exercise authority over the Pentagon’s $36 billion IT budget.

Defense One

More Robots Prepare for the Military’s Robotics World Cup

It’s the US vs. China, Japan, Italy in the military’s robot super competition.


Pentagon Adds Social Media Whiz to Team

The new director for digital media and strategy will revamp DOD's communication via social media.

Defense One

Why the FBI Needs To Protect Its Intelligence Whistleblowers

The FBI director says that whistleblowers are 'critical' to democracy, but the Justice Department doesn’t protect intelligence whistleblowers.