
Veterans Health Care and IT Acquisition Added to GAO's High-Risk List

Defense contracting and FDA oversight of medical products come closer to getting off the list.


Lawmakers Not Briefed About Creation of Obama's $35 Million Cyber Agency

"I believe [the news] is how everyone else found it . … We know about as much as you do," says congressional Republican close to the intelligence community.


Here's the White House Request for the Use of Force Against the Islamic State

The Obama administration has just sent the draft resolution to Congress Wednesday morning. Now it's Congress' turn.


Obama’s New Cyber Agency Puts Spies in Charge of Sharing Threat Tips with Agencies

The new Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center will be patterned after the intelligence fusion center stood up in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


A Brief, Turbulent History of the U.S. Embassy in Yemen

The compound, which has seen several terrorist threats in the recent past, will shut down this week for security reasons.


GOP Awaits Obama's ISIS Battle Plan

Corker praises the White House handling of an authorization for military force. But other Republicans remain concerned.

Pay & Benefits

What Would a Proposal to Auto-Enroll Troops Mean for the TSP?

Change would not affect the “investment side” of the retirement plan, but might potentially require more staff or other resources.

Defense One

How Reforming Benefits Could Undermine the Pentagon's Future

The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission's recommendations are appealing to reformers. But here's how they could actually end up doing irreversible harm to the all-volunteer force.


Ashton Carter Breezes Through Senate Armed Services Committee

The Senate Armed Services Committee voted unanimously to send on Ash Carter’s nomination for a full vote. Lawmakers want him in the Pentagon by week’s end.


CIA is Bringing Amazon’s Marketplace to the Intelligence Community

In the coming months, Amazon Web Services will launch an IC-only cloud marketplace that aims to shake up the way spy agencies purchase software.


GAO's High-Risk List Adds IT Acquisition and Veteran Health Care

Multiple Capitol Hill sources confirmed to Nextgov that IT acquisition and operations and veteran health care are now included.


Need a Job? Cyber Command Is Halfway Full

The Pentagon is at the midway point of staffing a projected 6,000-person Cyber Command.


IG Probes Air Force 2-Star’s Treason Charge

General reportedly said A-10 pilots who tell Congress about the aircraft’s capabilities are committing treason.


British Access to NSA Spying Was Illegal, Court Rules

The surprising rebuke could portend further legal challenges in Europe to the U.S. government’s international surveillance programs.


These Are Republicans' Options for Averting a Shutdown at DHS

GOP leaders have two legislative weeks before a partial shutdown.


Looming Defense Cuts Threaten GOP Budget Unity

The party has little room for error in its bid to pass a budget, and sequestration isn't making it any easier.


The Navy Has Built a Fire Extinguisher That Walks

A new robot firefighter can see through smoke and carry a hose on its own.


Energy Officials Were Confused About Secrecy Surrounding Electric Grid

Inspector general says warnings on handling of classified details went unheeded.


Ash Carter's Confirmation Hearing Is Not About Ash Carter

The Senate Armed Services Committee isn't going to let President Obama or the Pentagon off easy.