
White House Aims To Beef Up Nation’s Cybersecurity After Pipeline Hack

A new executive order shifts how the government buys software and gives consumers visibility into products’ security features.


‘Hype’ Over Military Coup Fears Delayed Troops’ Jan. 6 Response, Miller To Tell Congress

In testimony, former Acting SecDef Christopher Miller will say he dismissed Trump’s warning that 10,000 troops should be ready for his rally in Washington, but blames the media and credits his own deliberations for slowing the military's response at the Capitol.


Army Leaders Have Agreed to Cap Troop Size, Top General Says

Gen. McConville and the acting secretary have agreed the force will not grow past 485,000 active-duty soldiers next year. But can they keep it from shrinking?


Army Reorganizes Investigations Office After Fort Hood Review; Austin, Milley Signal More Changes

The service will remove harassment investigations from units, but keep them within the military ranks. Is that enough?


Some US Military Bases Begin to Loosen Mask Rules

As some states drop COVID restrictions, commanders from coast to coast are attempting to walk a safe line.


What's In Biden’s First Budget? And How Late Will It Be?

The White House could submit its defense budget request later than any administration in at least a century.

Breaking News Defense

US Air Force, Navy Extend 50% Work-From-Home Indefinitely

New memos suggest office space occupancy may never return to 100 percent.


New Fort Hood Report May Help Change Sexual Assault Prosecutions

Spc. Vanessa Guillén’s sexual harassment was reported by three soldiers. Command failed to act.


Retired Generals and Service Chiefs Launch 'Operation Protect Democracy' in Wake of Capitol Attack

Group plans to advocate for increased voter access at the federal and state level. But will the legislatures listen?


Biden Nominee for Pentagon Weapons Buyer Under Investigation

Inspector General complaint alleges DIU Director Michael Brown’s agency used federal hiring tools to hire friends, but office says it’s competing for talent.


Pelosi: Milley ‘Doesn’t Know the Full Picture’ of Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

House speaker says Trump administration delayed military assistance to lawmakers.


Biden Taps Frank Kendall To Be Air Force Secretary

Former Pentagon acquisition chief has relevant experience defining threats and modernization needs, colleagues say.


US Army to Replace Criminal Investigations Chief In Wake of Guillen’s Death

The service’s Criminal Investigation Command has faced criticism for its lax casework on soldier deaths, assaults and suicides.


The FBI Is Breaking into Corporate Computers to Remove Malicious Code – Smart Cyber Defense or Government Overreach?

The courts have given the government the authority to hack into private computers unannounced. The action addresses a clear threat, but it also sets an unsettling precedent.


Pentagon Panel Recommends Removing Sexual Assault Cases From Chain of Command

Moving cases to an independent prosecutor is a change long-sought by victims and families failed by the current system.


A Year After Vanessa Guillén’s Murder, Family and Advocates Say not Enough Has Changed in the Military

The Texas woman’s death exposed a pattern of violence and abuse against soldiers at Fort Hood, the U.S. military’s largest active-duty base. It also sparked national outrage over federal officials’ handling of sexual harassment and noncombat deaths.


How Cyber Ops Increase the Risk of Accidental Nuclear War

Five factors exacerbate a U.S.-Chinese security dilemma.


The USAF’s Bad Bets on Pilot Retention Show It Needs Outside Help

Service leaders think the same old tactics can reverse a pilot shortage in a resurging economy.