
VA extends PACT Act filing deadline after website glitches

The Veterans Affairs Department is giving eligible veterans an extra week to announce their intention to submit claims under a law that expands benefits for exposure to toxic substances.


'High volume’ of last-minute PACT Act submissions caused tech glitches, VA says

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough stressed that no veteran or survivor who received an error message “will miss out on a single day of benefits due to this issue.”


Pioneering study links testicular cancer among military personnel to ‘forever chemicals’

A new federal study for the first time shows a direct association between PFOS, a PFAS chemical, found in the blood of thousands of military personnel and testicular cancer.


Women and LGBTQ+ veterans say VA facilities ‘weren’t built with us in mind’

Women veterans are less likely to go to Veterans Affairs hospitals for health care due to harassment, stigma and a lack of resources and services.


Army is now the 2nd service without a Senate-confirmed leader

At the “relinquishment of authority” ceremony, senior military leadership blasted Sen. Tuberville’s hold on nominations.


1/4 of DOD cyber jobs are vacant. Here's the plan to fill them

Civilian cyber workers are the main challenge, as it's harder for DOD to attract and keep them.


Veterans exposed to burn pits, toxins urged to apply for retroactive benefits

Nearly a year ago, President Joe Biden signed the PACT Act, a law supporters describe as the largest expansion of veteran benefits in U.S. history.


Biden to reverse Trump decision to move Space Command to Alabama

The decision to keep the command at its current home in Colorado will surely enrage Alabama politicians.


Pentagon’s termination of MyTravel program receives bipartisan criticism

The Pentagon’s reasons for reverting back to its legacy Defense Travel System after seven months “don’t add up,” according to Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C.


Biden selects NSA veteran as national cyber director nominee

White House officials named former National Security Agency official Harry Coker Jr. as the nominee to replace former National Cyber Director Chris Inglis amid the ongoing implementation of the new National Cyber Strategy.


US power grid faces escalating cyber threats, infrastructure experts warn

The power grid is experiencing heightened threats from foreign adversaries and domestic extremist groups that can pose devastating consequences for the nation’s supply of electricity, experts told a House subcommittee on Tuesday. 


Leading the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency may be a job no one wants – but it’s an important one

COMMENTARY | “It’s vitally important that the Defense Department onboard the right person for the job, to continue to keep the workforce stabilized and growing,” writes one observer.


Intel leaders, White House argue for keeping digital spy powers

Agencies have less than six months to convince a divided Congress to re-up an expiring warrantless surveillance authority.


Senator blocks Marine confirmation, leaving Corps with an acting commandant

Gen. David Berger relinquished his position hours before the motion, handing authorities over to Assistant Commandant Gen. Eric Smith.


A senator's holds on military nominations are hurting readiness against China, Defense official says

From Defense policy bill amendments and "poison pill" spending bills to promotion holds, Republicans' efforts are frustrating Pentagon officials.


The Pentagon will create an office to monitor users and insider threats in the wake of leaks

Review came after a junior airman was charged with posting Ukraine war documents and other secret information online.