
Can the President Really Order the Military to Occupy U.S. Cities and States?

President Trump has warned that he will send the military into states to curb protests. Is Trump’s warning bluster? Or does the president have the authority to send the military into American cities?


Army Scientists: All Strains of COVID-19 Can Be Covered by One Vaccine

The service is on track to produce a vaccine against multiple coronavirus strains by the end of the year. But making it available is the CDC’s job.


Pentagon Says Guard Did Not Tear-Gas Protesters; Downplays Role In Militarized Response

A senior official also said the secretary of Defense was unaware of the plan to clear a public park for a Trump photo op.


Trump, GOP Allies Reach For Military Response To Domestic Protests

In startling language, Defense Secretary Mark Esper referred to American streets as “the battlespace.”


Hidden in the New House Coronavirus Relief Bill: Billions for Defense Contractors

A section of the HEROES Act championed by Virginia Democrat Gerry Connolly would cover executive compensation and other perks for defense and intel contractors. The legislation’s wording mirrors what an industry group proposed.


A Medical-Delivery Drone Service Gets US Approval Amid Coronavirus

ZipLine, whose drones have delivered more than 100,000 packages in Africa, will begin flights in North Carolina.


Pentagon Sets New Rules for ‘Return to Normal Operations’ Worldwide

"We’ve got a ways to go," says official in charge of re-opening, but local commanders given authority to decide.


Defense Companies Scramble to Make Virtual Internships Work

Despite the economic crisis, the industry has too much to do, and not enough people to do it.


Senate Intel Panel Advances Ratcliffe Nomination In Party-Line Vote

The former Texas prosecutor is a deeply controversial pick for the nation’s top spy.


Afghanistan Drawdown Continues Despite Violence, Ghani Announcement

The Afghan president said that his side would be resuming “offensive” operations against the Taliban.


Air Force Leaders Fret As Another Satellite Maker Declares Bankruptcy

Service leaders are asking for Congressional help in shoring up the defense industrial base.


Coronavirus Hampering Defense Contractor Operations, Reader Survey Finds

It’s harder to win business amid a pandemic, said one-third of industry respondents in a Defense One reader survey.


62% Disapprove of Trump’s Coronavirus Response, Reader Survey Finds

Most respondents feel “less safe” because of the president’s actions. Esper gets higher marks, but many fear premature reopening.


A ‘Mass Breakout’ of ISIS from Syrian Prisons Remains a Risk, Pentagon Watchdog Says

The coalition has had “little or no direct access” to the facilities since Turkey’s October invasion.

Defense One

The GAO Is Wrong about the Air Force’s Next-Gen Battle-Management System

The ABMS needs to evolve quickly, not conform to industrial-age requirements and schedules.