
New Tech Aims to Tell Pilots When Their Plane Has Been Hacked

Raytheon is pitching a product to detect cyber intrusions into aircraft, drones, and even missiles.


The Future of the Marines Is Smaller, More Robotic, More Naval

The new Commandant of the Marine Corps lays out a vision for high-tech force that will often operate like special forces.


Pentagon’s Top Lawyer to Review All Ukraine-Aid Documents

But a Defense spokesman still won’t say when the department was told about the aid freeze at the heart of the impeachment inquiry.


The Army’s Next Attack Helicopter Could Look Like This

Bell’s new 360 Invictus is the latest entrant hoping to fill the Army’s vertical-lift gap — and it’s remote-controlled.


Trump's New Joint Chiefs Chair Is A Savvy Political Operator

The question is: how will Gen. Mark Milley work with the U.S. president?


Pentagon Caught In The Middle Of Trump's Ukraine Scandal

Some presidential allies want to hang the security-aid freeze on the Defense Department. There’s no evidence for that.


White House Used Classified System to Hide Trump’s Phone Call: Whistleblower

The IC employee wrote that the July 25 call to Ukraine was not the only time documents had been improperly hidden in codeword-level systems.


Trump Approves ‘Defensive’ Deployment to Middle East

The U.S. will increase air and missile defenses from Iran at the request of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Pentagon leaders said.


Air Force: Our New Tanker Should Be Ready for War in 3 or 4 Years

A few big problems, and about 500 smaller ones, have put the Boeing-made plane about five years behind schedule.


Viewpoint: Robert O'Brien Should Have to Face Senate Confirmation

Requiring congressional approval would be good for Trump, good for his choice for national-security adviser, and good for the country.


Trump Names Robert O’Brien His 4th National Security Advisor

A lawyer by trade, former Bush delegate at the UN, and campaign advisor to Mitt Romney and Scott Walker, O’Brien has been serving as special envoy for hostage affairs.


Extra-Long Sustainment Contracts Are Lockheed’s Latest Bid to Cut F-35 Costs

The company is pitching the Pentagon on a five-year deal — with promises to keep 80 percent of the fleet mission-ready.


The Air Force Will Start Work on Flying Cars This Fall

It’s about replacing the V-22, eventually. But it’s also about finding new ways to harness commercial innovation.


Analysis: Mike Pompeo Is Bigger Than the Pentagon — For Now

“I think that Pompeo is now running foreign policy in the Trump administration in the way that Cheney ran it in the Bush administration,” said one analyst.


SecAF Pick: No Need to Ban Military Use of Trump Properties

Any regulations “should not be specific to any particular owner,” says Barbara Barrett.


Viewpoint: U.S. Intelligence Needs Another Reinvention

After failing to detect the 9/11 plot, spy agencies reinvented themselves for an age of terrorism, but a new generation of technological threats requires a new round of reforms.


Bolton Fired as National Security Adviser. Who's Next?

Trump's third NSA is let go after being sidelined at major international events.


Once Again, Trump Lurches to End a War, But Troops Remain

The collapse of talks with the Taliban raises questions about the president’s willingness to bring troops home from costly engagements overseas.


Viewpoint: The Writing Was on the Wall With Afghanistan

The latest bout of bloodshed may have played some role in the actions Trump just took, but it is also a convenient out for an administration that had gone all in on a floundering initiative.


Viewpoint: The Mattis Two-Step

The forever general’s attempt to "stay out of politics" is bringing him right into it.