
Pentagon Delivers Installment on Plan to Streamline Business Operations

Main goals are accelerating hiring and curbing duplication, as Congress mandated.


Sailors Report Enduring Concerns About Navy Readiness and Leadership

Sailors from every active fleet responded to a ProPublica callout, noting a continued lack of training, widespread exhaustion and an acute sense of vulnerability.


Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects

The Pentagon is required to give Gitmo detainees the same medical care as U.S. troops. How's that going to work?


It’s Getting Harder to Track U.S. Progress in Afghanistan

Almost every metric “is now classified or nonexistent,” says the special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction.


Brain Scans Help Shed Light On The PTSD Brain, But They Cannot Diagnose PTSD

The brain can do a lot, but it is vulnerable, especially to traumatic events. Over the years, researchers have learned the unique ways in which it is damaged by experiencing or witnessing trauma.


Acting Pentagon Chief Responds to Continuing Academy Sexual Assaults

Prompted by Sen. Martha McSally’s dramatic personal testimony, Shanahan created a new task force to recommend changes.


Pentagon Marks First Day of New Transgender Policy

Some 1,400 service members have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.


How the Navy’s Top Commander Botched the Highest-Profile Investigation in Years

The Navy said it was abandoning all remaining criminal charges against sailors involved in fatal accidents in the Pacific. Here’s how the actions of the chief of naval operations helped doom the cases.


The Pentagon Is Killing a Key Independent-Research Program

For decades, JASON studies helped DOD and other agencies get outside perspectives on scientific and technical topics.


Shanahan Touts Unity in Space-Force Pitch, But Disagreements Clearly Remain

It’s a key week for proponents of the Trump administration’s space reorganization — and their detractors.


Sorry, Florida, Looks Like You’re Not Getting U.S. Space Command

Despite lobbying, Sunshine State left off shortlist for command’s new headquarters.


The Navy Is Assembling a Hacker Team to Fight Off Small Drones

Engineers, researchers, and hackers will seek ways to protect warships and bases from hobby-type drones modified to kill.


Fate of Afghanistan Hinges on Donor Funds, Watchdog Warns

Inspector general’s "high-risk" report urges planning for major future expenditures.


Patrick Shanahan’s Endless Limbo

He’s still a contender for the top job at the Department of Defense. But the more he’s in the public eye, the more his obstacles mount.


Air Force: We Need $5 Billion To Fix Weather-Damaged Bases

Without the cash, service says it will cut pilot training, ground planes, stop other base construction projects.


Pentagon Begins Moving Border Wall Money Despite House Objection

Acting deputy Norquist cites authorities while defending spending request and audit.