
NSA-Cyber Command Chief Recommends No Split Until 2020: Sources

That’s another delay for a separation planned several Defense Secretaries ago.


We’ll Soon Learn Whether You Can Post 3D-Gun Plans Online

A proposed export-rules change has snagged over the question: is publishing such designs a boon to U.S. business or foreign terrorists?


Top NATO General: Don’t Sell F-35 To Turkey If It Buys Russian SAMs

Gen. Scaparrotti, who leads U.S. European Command, also wants more naval forces at his disposal.


What Will Come After a U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan?

The U.S. has been at war in Afghanistan since a few weeks after 9/11. Now we are negotiating a peace with the Taliban, the same insurgents who sheltered Osama bin Laden.


An Admiral Told a Senator Most Navy Reforms Were 'Complete.' Navy’s No. 2 Says Otherwise.

Adm. Bill Moran told ProPublica this week that none of the promised reforms had been completed, but that work had started on the pledges.


Legislative Hurdle Delays U.S. Space Command Stand-Up

Pentagon can’t move ahead until Congress repeals a provision in the 2019 defense authorization act.


After Raising the Stakes for North Korea Summit, Trump Walks Away

It seemed history was about to be made. Then the second meeting between the U.S. and North Korean leaders concluded abruptly.


Navy Leaders Taken to Task by Lawmakers, Including One Who Was Grilling a Former Boss

Rep. Elaine Luria, an ex-Navy commander, showed her insider knowledge of naval operations in questions to the admirals appearing before a House Armed Services Committee panel.


Top Nuke General: Russia Is Exploiting Gaps In Key Arms-Control Treaty

The leader of U.S. Strategic Command sees New START as vital, flawed, and in danger.


No Military Threat on Southern U.S. Border, Says NORTHCOM Commander

But the head of Northern Command says barriers have “some ramifications” for national security.


Navy Promised Changes After Deadly Accidents, but Many Within Doubt It’s Delivering on Them

Interviews and an examination of the Navy’s publicly announced reforms raise uncertainty over whether senior leaders have fully followed through on them after the 7th Fleet disasters in 2017.


Pentagon Wins a Reprieve with Trump Approval of ‘Residual’ Forces in Syria

General Dunford is “confident” U.S. allies will now agree to stay, but for how long remains undetermined.


AFRICOM Adds Logistics Hub in West Africa, Hinting at an Enduring US Presence

From Ghana’s capital, a new supply network will ferry supplies and arms to special forces troops across the region.


Trump Officially Directs Pentagon to Create Space Force, Within Air Force

If Congress approves, Space Force would exist like the Marine Corps within the Navy Department.


There’s a Big Obstacle to the Pentagon’s New Strategy to Speed AI to Troops

Defense officials want to accelerate the delivery of artificial-intelligence tools from the lab to the field. But it's hard to obtain the massive data streams that make AI work.


Senate Committee Grills Navy Official Over 2017 Collisions, Seeking Data to Prove Conditions Have Changed

During an Armed Services Committee hearing that referenced ProPublica’s investigation into the deadly mishaps, a senator pressed the top commander in the Pacific to give “real numbers,” “not promises and not good feelings.”


The Navy to Create Chief Learning Officer, Overhaul Sailor Education

The creation of a Naval University and other changes are aimed at better shaping sailors and Marines for tomorrow’s wars.