
How Pakistan Is Responding to Trump

Pushed by Trump, Tillerson, and Mattis to do more to fight terrorism, Pakistan has instead taken public steps to push back in recent weeks.


Congress Rushes Pentagon $4B for Missile Defense Improvements

The emergency bill is light on details, but it appears to fulfill the military’s wide-ranging November request.


Pentagon Launches New Push For Tunnel-Warfare Tech

As potential adversaries build out sophisticated underground complexes, the U.S. military will try to keep up by going down.


The Pentagon’s New Artificial Intelligence Is Already Hunting Terrorists

After less than eight months of development, the algorithms are helping intel analysts exploit video over the battlefield.


U.S. Nuclear Test Killed Far More Civilians Than We Knew

Hundreds of thousands of civilians were poisoned by irradiated milk, raising the previously estimated toll by a huge factor.


Pentagon Sexual Harassment Prevention Needs Fine-Tuning, Watchdog Says

GAO suggests Defense ensure all branches allow anonymous reporting of alleged incidents.


New National Security Strategy Sees Rising Russia, Retreat on 'Democratic Peace'

Donald Trump’s first strategy talks about threats and nation-state competition but also signals a reluctance to compete philosophically or morally.


The Pentagon Has Confirmed Its $22M Program To Investigate UFOs

Though it stopped being funded in 2012, the quest to unmask unidentified flying objects continues.


Senator Intervenes to Back Intel Community Whistleblower Ombudsman

Following a disciplinary hearing, Dan Meyer risks termination for undisclosed reasons.


Three Things the U.S. Military Needs to Fight in Europe

One year into rotational deployments on the continent, here’s what the Army and Marines say they need.


Pentagon Delays Deadline For Military Suppliers to Meet Cybersecurity Rules

The goal of the new regulations is to secure sensitive data on the computers and networks at smaller companies.


Newly Signed Defense Authorization Act Contains a Dire Warning on Climate Change

Climate change will bring more failed states and terrorist organizations, radar failures, and military bases underwater, according to the U.S. military.


Allies Are Key, Says Trump’s National Security Strategy

The document, to be unveiled next week, will be the latest administration policy position that looks beyond “America first.”


Preview of Trump's National Security Strategy Shows Gap Between President's Words and Actions

The current plan is to roll out the NSS on December 18, an administration official said. 


Pentagon’s Ambitious Goal: Launch a Weapons Program in Just 12 Months

The defense acquisition undersecretary is looking to rapid capabilities offices as models for more formal programs.


Newly Revealed Experiment Shows How F-35 Could Help Intercept ICBMs

In 2014, the sensor-studded plane demonstrated an ability to track missiles, leading to a “tactically significant” improvement in targeting.


Northrop Tests Spy Drones That Deploy in a Fake Bomb

The disposable Remedy is intended to drop from a fighter jet and fly slow enough to avoid radar.


Preaching from the Choir: Conservatives, Defense Execs Beg Trump to Challenge Russia, Make Budget Deal

At the Reagan Presidential Library, the country's biggest defense spending hawks doubt Congress can deliver Trump's promised military buildup.


A Former U.S. Diplomat Is Visiting North Korea To 'Test The Waters' For Diplomacy

It will be the highest-level visit in more than six years, and takes place with the region on edge over North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.