
Defense Authorization Bill Allows Pilot Program on Curbing Bid Protests

A Senate-proposed “loser pays” mandate on major contracts was watered down.


A Short-Staffed U.S. Air Force Wants Robots to Do More Human Jobs

The service’s top general says new systems, from bombs to buildings, must be able to think, share, and learn.


Why Mike Pompeo Released More bin Laden Files

The CIA director is intent on drawing connections between al-Qaeda and Iran—but to what end?


Donald Trump: Unlikely Defender of U.S. Allies

The candidate who said Japan and South Korea made "billions screwing us" is now a president vowing to stand by them.


Trump's North Korea Policy Earns Praise—From a Former North Korean Diplomat

“The unpredictability has worked to some extent,” says one of the country’s highest-profile defectors.


Can the U.S. Hold Russia Accountable for Interfering in the 2016 Election?

Behind the special counsel’s big news this week, there has also been an explosion of evidence pointing to Moscow’s role in the presidential race.


Three-Star General Wants Artificial Intelligence in Every New Weapon System

The department's Project Maven uses machine learning to go through drone video feeds but that's just the beginning, Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan said.


Washington Is Never Quite Sure Where It Is at War

The Niger debacle exposed just how little Congress grasps about what U.S. forces are up to around the world.


Senator to Donald Trump: Americans Deserve to Know the Costs of a North Korea Conflict

In a letter to the president, Tammy Duckworth cites the lack of debate before she was deployed to Iraq—and insists that it not happen again.


A Former CIA Director Describes the Dangers of 'Trump Unleashed'

John Brennan praises the advisers who restrain Donald Trump’s impulses, calls out the president’s “enablers” inside the White House, and considers the prospect of World War III.


The ACLU Says the FBI is Accusing Chinese-American Scientists of Espionage Because of Their Race

The American Civil Liberties Union has joined a lawsuit from a professor that the FBI—as it's done in other cases with Chinese-Americans—wrongly accused of espionage.


Trump's Policy on Terrorism Suspects Looks Like Obama's

A captured Benghazi suspect is reportedly being brought to the U.S., which means he will be tried in a civilian court.


Is Your Office Secure? Not Necessarily If You Work at These 4 Agencies

Watchdog finds some agencies have not kept up with standards for addressing facility vulnerabilities.


Trump's Top Intelligence Officials Confirm Russia Meddled In the U.S. Election

Russia's efforts to influence the US election have been unequivocally confirmed on the record by all top U.S. intelligence officials.


Dunford: Time to Cut the Connections that Link ISIS’ Global Network

With the extremist group on its heels, coalition members must block its paths to Africa, Southeast Asia and elsewhere, the top US officer said.


The Pentagon’s IED-Hunters Have a New Target: Drones

After a decade of ups and downs, JIDO has added the counter-UAV mission.


The Border-Wall Prototypes Are Up — Now What?

As the administration assesses the projects, both the purpose and effectiveness of a barrier are in question.