
In Mexico, Mattis Plays Down Political Rhetoric, Seeks to Build Trust

Defense Secretary Mattis touts "a growing relationship built on trust and respect" between the U.S. and Mexican militaries.


Harvard Rescinded Chelsea Manning’s Fellowship after CIA Chief Mike Pompeo Cancelled a Visit

He says he objected to the former soldier as a convicted felon and that his criticism had nothing to do with her being a transgender woman.


Could Whale Migration Be the Key to Smarter Naval Operations?

DARPA wants to use marine life as “living sensors” in the internet of things network.


At U.S. Nuclear Weapons Base, Mattis Signals Support for Triad

But the Defense chief stopped short of endorsing all types of new nuclear weapons in development.


Analysts Are Quitting the State Department’s Anti-Propaganda Team

The Global Engagement Center is struggling to keep up with its missions: countering ISIS recruitment and Russian disinformation.


Trump Administration Orders Russian Anti-virus Off All Government Systems

The move follows months of suggestions Kaspersky is too close to the Kremlin.


Swarmed With Mosquitoes After Harvey, Texas Calls in the Air Force

The Air Force is spraying a controversial insecticide across 6 million acres to kill mosquitoes brought in by Hurricane Harvey.


White House Objects to Parts of Defense Bill that Curb President’s Power

Trump wants Senate to reconsider presidential pay authority and rejection of another base–closing round.


Searching for $1 Billion: Inside the Pentagon’s Struggle to Match Trump’s Air Force One Boast

Details emerge about Boeing’s cost-saving pitches at Mar-a-Lago, and what Air Force leaders are really planning to cut. First to go: aerial refueling.


Afghanistan is Now Officially James Mattis’ War

Donald Trump's speech on "principled realism" in Afghanistan contained few surprises. Now, under the aegis of DOD chief Mattis it is the latest stage in America’s "forever war."


Get Ready for a Short-Term CR, Congressional Leaders Tell Pentagon

Top House Republicans on defense say it’s not ideal — underfunding has contributed to a rash of recent accidents — but don’t expect a full-year appropriation until December.


Here’s What the U.S. Could Sell South Korea and Japan to Counter North Korea

Trump doubles the allowable size of Seoul’s warheads and promises to transfer more sophisticated weapons to Asian allies.


Analysis: How Mattis May Get Himself in Trouble With Trump

The secretary of defense could run afoul of his boss if his review of the policy on transgender troops follows the facts to their conclusion.


Ordered to Ban Transgender Troops, Pentagon Plans A New Look at Three Factors

The courts will take their own look, thanks to a trio of lawsuits filed in the wake of Trump’s Friday-night memo.


The Trump Administration's Evolving Rhetoric on North Korea

From “fire and fury” to “all options are on the table”


The North Korean Threat Beyond ICBMs

Even without them, the Kim regime can menace its immediate neighborhood—or sell nuclear material to rogue states.


A 'Sonic Weapon' That Caused Diplomats in Cuba to Lose Their Hearing Also Caused Brain Injury

Some diplomats were also under heave surveillance during their tours of duty, and some had their homes broken into and their vehicles vandalized.


How James Mattis Tried to Explain Trump to the World

“Just as Mattis sought to reassure nervous allies, back home there were numerous reminders that the populist and intemperate impulses of his boss will not be tamed.”


Are ‘Restrictions’ Keeping Us From Winning in Afghanistan?

An Army intelligence expert and retired special forces warrior lay out what red tape the President should cut in Afghanistan.