
The Next Big War Will Turn on AI, Says U.S. Secret-Weapons Czar

William Roper says the military must get better at feeding the voracious learning algorithms that will fight future battles.


Russia Joins U.S. in Race to Field Gun-Launched Swarmbots

A pair of Russian programs hastens the day that drone swarms may meet each other over the battlefield.


What’s the Purpose of President Trump’s Navy?

Does the president's specified goal of 350 ships meet the needs of the nation in the 21st century? The answer is not yet clear.


Trump's Unbalanced Homeland Security Budget

As the former heads of DHS, the Coast Guard, and TSA, we think Trump’s border-and-immigration fixation is like double-locking your front door and leaving the window wide open.


Would Better Messaging Help the Military Boost Its Budget?

Even if Pentagon leaders clarified their ‘readiness’ warnings, they’d still face an uphill battle for more funding in 2017.


Pentagon Defends Quiet Response to Study Offering $125 Billion In Savings

House hearing shows miscommunication between the Defense Department and the Defense Business Board.


What One Joint Chief Of Staff Thinks of Trump

Do the generals have too much influence? I asked the U.S. Air Force’s top military leader.


The White House Is Still Standing by Trump’s Wiretap Accusation

Just before the administration’s daily press briefing, the FBI director told Congress he has “no information” to support the president’s claims.


Boeing Might Be the Biggest Winner in Trump’s Military Buildup

The Chicago aerospace company leads more than a half-dozen contractors whose programs stand to get 9- or 10-figure boosts if the president’s budget proposal becomes law.


What Lies Ahead for Obama's Countering Violent Extremism Program?

A new report confirms the skepticism of civil libertarians. But if the initiative is discontinued, will its replacement be any better?


U.S. Naval and Military Academies See Rise in Sexual Assault

Reports of abuse on military college campuses may reflect larger issues of conduct among the armed forces.


Trump Picks ‘Mr. Fix-It’ to Run Daily Ops at Pentagon

Patrick Shanahan’s missile-defense background could prove important in a Trump administration.


Why Sequestration Is Poised to Kill Trump's Budget

A Kafkaesque fiscal deal cut years ago is set to gut the White House’s spending proposal.


Flynn, Turkey, and the Long Paper Trail Trump Missed

An Erdogan government insider had contracts with Flynn’s group going back to the campaign, documents filed by Trump’s former national security advisor’s firm show.


ISIS War Generals to Congress: We Need the State Department

One week after Trump proposed shifting billions from the State Department to the Pentagon, two of the top U.S. generals in the Middle East and Africa say they need diplomatic help.


CIA Silent as Wikileaks Claims to Publish Thousands of Agency Files

The group says the 8,000-plus files detail the existence and function of key hacking tools.