Waxman to Bush Cabinet: You're Grounded

Henry Waxman may be talking bipartisanship this campaign season, be he's still getting in his shots. The California Democrat, who's in line to head the House Government Reform Committee if the GOP loses control of Congress, has written a letter to the Office of Management and Budget claiming that Bush administration cabinet members have "routinely flaunted" the rules on the use of private planes, TIME reports. Since 2001, they've flown in private aircraft 125 times to more than 300 places, costing taxpayers more than $1.5 million. Such travel always seems to go up near elections, Waxman says.

Current Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis, R-Va., argues that Waxman should be congratulating Bush officials. They're spending an average of $1,000 less on private trips than Clinton administration Cabinet members did, he says.

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