Metro Hikes Un-Fare to Feds?

Interesting federal employee perspective in today's Washington Post story on a potential Metro fare increase during the peak of rush hour. "Many riders," the Post reported, "said the proposals unfairly target suburban commuters who work for federal agencies and have no control over when they start their workdays." Here's one employee's take:

"Stick 'em up," said John Parker, 61, raising his arms in a mock holdup as he got off a Red Line train at Metro Center about 8:15 a.m. yesterday. "We're the easiest targets," said Parker, a Rockville resident who commutes between Twinbrook and Foggy Bottom, where he works at the State Department. Parker has to travel during rush hour, and he doesn't want to drive because there is no parking.

(Thanks to K.R. for the tip.)

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