Outsourcing Hits the Front Pages

I finally got around to reading the Sunday New York Times opus on outsourcining in government. Here's my initial reaction: It's nice that they noticed an important trend that some of us in the media have been following for quite some time. The story frames the issue nicely, and includes some nice details that will doubtless resonate with a wider audience (like noting that the Federal Procurement Data System itself has been outsourced). I'm sure that's why the story remains near the top of the most-e-mailed and blogged articles on the Times Web site. But a couple of the details didn't exactly ring true to me:

  • Referring to the General Services Administration as "the government's management agency." Not exactly.
  • Saying that Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., "added" the "oversight" in the name of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee. "Restored" would be more accurate, since "oversight" was in there prior to the tenure of Tom Davis, R-Va., as chairman.

These are quibbles, I know. But I can't resist.