Space Case: Diaper Dilemma

OK, I'm trying to limit myself to one post per day on the Astronaut Love Triangle case. So here's today's: From the beginning, the truly embarassing detail about this whole affair has been Lisa Nowak's decision to wear diapers during her 900-mile trek from Houston to Orlando, in an effort to avoid having to stop to use a restroom. Quickly, it emerged that Nowak might have gotten this idea from the fact that astronauts wear diapers for portions of space flights. So, the question, is, did Nowak steal some special NASA space diapers for her, um, mission? An affidavit from the Orlando Police Department (which Slate has helpfully posted online) suggests that the answer may be no. In it, a police officer says while interrogating Nowak, he asked her "why she had the baby diapers," which suggests they were standard-issue Huggies or Pampers. Which begs the the question of how she fit into them, since at 5' 4" and 110 pounds, she's not exactly toddler-sized.