Welcome to the New Fedblog

You'll notice a few subtle but important changes in Fedblog today. They are the result of shifting to the Moveable Type publishing platform, and they're designed to, well, turn Fedblog into a real blog. For years, we've used a homegrown publishing system that was highly efficient and easy to use, but lacked some of the features that make blogs what they are, such as the ability to comment immediately on any post, and to link separately to individual posts.

We've tried to keep the same look and feel of the old Fedblog, so it won't appear dramatically different to longtime readers. But do let me know if you experience any problems. And let's get the dialogue going: If something jumps out at you in any post, comment on it!

Finally, while we work out the kinks in the new system, some of the older entries may look a little funny. Bear with me while we deal with that.