Intelligence Chief Shuffles Org Chart

New National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell is making some organizational changes in his office. In an announcement today, McConnell said he wants to "better clarify responsibilities and authorities, create a true community of professionals, radically transform tradecraft, accelerate information sharing and modernize how we do business." To that end, he's:

  • Creating a new deputy director position focused on acquisition, to "increase technological agility and better posture the intelligence community to achieve acquisition excellence, streamline acquisition policies and processes, and enhance the professionalism of the acquisition workforce."
  • Creating a new deputy director for policy, plans and requirements, taking over the responsibilities of the current deputy director for requirements and the assistant deputy directors for strategy; plans and policy; training and education; and security.
  • Establishing an executive committee, made up of senior leaders in the intelligence community, the undersecretary of Defense for intelligence, and representatives from the State, Treasury, and Homeland Security departments. The idea is to improve coordination across the community.

NEXT STORY: It's The Pay Raise, Stupid