Coming Soon: The New

A sneak preview of our redesigned site.

Here are some of the changes you'll notice: All those changes will be packaged with a fresh new design. Here, for example, is how the new home page will look:

Last summer, when we took a look back at our 10 years of online publishing, we said, "We hope that before too long, you'll be seeing a new look for, as we continue to try to optimize the user experience of the site." Well, that day is about to arrive. We'll soon debut our redesigned and upgraded Web site. We wanted to give you a preview of that new look, and fill you in on some of the thinking behind it. First off, here's why we launched the redesign:

  • It's time. It's been several years since we tinkered with the site, and it was showing its age.
  • We wanted to cut through some of the clutter that had accumulated over the years, and respond to feedback from users that we could better organize our information.
  • We wanted a better platform to introduce new features to the site.
  • The Name: has become (But fear not: all the old addresses you've bookmarked will still work.) The name change is part of our effort to present one face to our print readers, online users and event attendees. We're Government Executive, and we're here to provide information and opportunities for interaction in whatever forum is most appropriate for the subject at hand.
  • The Structure: We're combining our current roster of 10 topic-based subsections into four: The Workforce, Defense+Homeland Security, Technology, and Management+Oversight. Our hope is that these will become destinations in their own right and key sources of news, information and online tools. (But again, fear not: Our users' favorite sections, such as Pay and Benefits, Per Diems and Travel and Life After Government aren't going anywhere.
  • The Magazine: We're improving the way we integrate content from the print magazine throughout the site, and giving the magazine a spruced-up home of its own online.
  • The News: There'll be more of it, updated more frequently. We have entered into an agreement with the Associated Press to run both breaking news stories and photos every day. That means we'll constantly be updating our news headlines throughout the day. More than ever, will be your one-stop shop for news and information about what's happening in the federal arena.
  • The Interactivity: Every story will include a box at the bottom for readers to add their comments and to respond to those of others. In addition, we'll be rolling out a series of new blogs in which users will be able to interact directly with our reporters.

And here's how internal sections will appear:

Finally, here's how typical article will look:

The redesign of is just one part of our overall strategy to be the key destination online, in print and at events for the people who make the federal government work. Even after almost 11 years of publishing on the Web, we still feel like we're just getting started in terms of what we can do to serve you. So we look forward to your feedback as we strive to continuously improve our online presence. You can always e-mail us at

NEXT STORY: When You Gotta Go...