TSA Wants to Play Games (Seriously)

The Transportation Security Administration thinks its employees can learn a thing or two from video games. Here's an excerpt from a recent agency posting on the Federal Business Opportunities Web site:

This is a Request for Information (RFI) on a Serious Games Initiative for the Transportation Security Administration to introduce a new, innovative training style for training Transportation Security Officers (TSOs). The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plays a critical role in safeguarding our nations transportation infrastructure in general and the security of the flying public in particular. Poorly performed screener functions can have far reaching catastrophic results. Therefore, it is essential to meet the challenge of maintaining the Transportation Security Officer (TSO) workforce at peak operational readiness, amidst rapidly changing circumstances. To that end, TSO training must be continual and ongoing, and therefore engaging to keep the learning community motivated.

The Operational and Technical Training Group within TSA is introducing a new, innovative training style at TSA to enhance and transform its portfolio of TSO Training methodologies. This will include a Serious Games approach that can be a valuable tool to motivate the screener community to learn and perform at optimal levels. The objective of this approach/initiative is to analyze, design, prototype, produce, deliver, and sustain a Serious Games training curriculum to satisfy the training needs and performance requirements of TSOs at TSA.

(Hat tip: Danger Room.)

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