Enter Our Motto Contest

A few months ago, the Washington Post reports, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne decided his department needed a new motto. Here's what a group of employees came up with:

"In our commitment to uphold the highest standards, we affirm these core values: integrity, respect, stewardship, and excellence. Respect: We treat all people with civility, dignity, and professionalism. Integrity: We are honest, ethical, and fair, adhering at all times to the letter and spirit of the law. Stewardship: We serve our nation and its people by managing responsibly the resources entrusted to our care. Excellence: We expect world-class performance and we strive for improvement in all we do."

Too long, Kempthorne said. He challenged the employees to try again, restricting themselves to nine words or less. The result:

"Stewardship for America with Integrity and Excellence."

A little bland, but not bad. Which makes me think we ought to have a little contest. Pick an agency, and, using Kempthorne's nine-word criterion, come up with a motto. Add it using the comments box below. I'll publish the best entries.