Reflections on a Washington Fourth of July

My kids are finally old enough to demand that we avail ourselves of the opportunity presented by living just outside the nation's capital to head down to the Mall for the fireworks. A couple of quick thoughts on attending the festivities:

  • The security was tight but highly efficient and downright friendly. The checkpoints moved swiftly, even though many people had to go through twice, and the evacuation of the Mall due to the threat of imminent thunderstorms appeared to go smoothly. A couple of sights that delighted me: security officials letting people hop on parked Metrobuses (which were being used to block intersections) to get out of the rain; and park rangers graciously interrupting their duties momentarily to take snapshots for visitors.
  • The multiculturalism on display was downright inspiring. It was the most diverse group of races, creeds and colors that I had ever seen in my life, all gathering to celebrate the best this country has to offer.

Oh, and the fireworks themselves? Spectacular. And if you can't get inspired by watching them explode over the Washington Monument with Abraham Lincoln looking over your shoulder, then I feel sorry for you.

Here's a cell phone picture that doesn't begin to do the event justice:


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