Sean Penn, OPM and Wikipedia

The interest in just who's editing Wikipedia entries -- and especially, who at federal agencies might be doing so on government time -- is still running high. When Virgil Griffith, a California Institute of Technology graduate student, launched WikiScanner a couple of weeks ago, it suddenly became easy to track the names of organizations connected to the IP addresses of those who were making changes on the Wikipedia site. But the search function enabling users to find out exactly what they were adding or deleting was disabled due to high traffic on the site.

Well, apparently that problem has been solved, because FedSmith's Ralph Smith has been poking around and found some pretty interesting edits apparently originating from federal agencies. I won't give them away, except to say that I found it interesting that somebody at the Office of Personnel Management appears to be very interested in boosting the image of actor Sean Penn.

NEXT STORY: Heckuva Job