GSA Joins Blogging Brigade

“Americans clearly love the idea and practice of blogging,” says GSA Administrator Lurita Doan. So the agency has unleashed a blog of its own, known as "GovGab."

The blog features daily posts from a team of five GSA managers who post on a rotating basis (in fact, they seem to have divided up the task by each taking a different day of the week). They're supposed to "help spotlight U.S. government information and services of greatest use in Americans’ daily lives."

GSA's clearly operating under the theory that it's the young folks who are really into this whole blogging thing, because the bios of the bloggers make it clear that they don't exactly represent a generational cross-section of the agency's workforce.

And so far, their posts certainly do highlight a wide range of government information -- on everything from grass seed to shoes to Sonic Youth records.

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