Ode to a C-SPAN Host

If you've been following GovernmentExecutive.com for awhile, you may have noticed the byline of Greta Wodele up until late last year on some news stories. She was a reporter at our sister publication, CongressDaily, and we enjoyed publishing her work because she had a keen eye for covering homeland security stories.

Well, now Greta's over at C-SPAN, hosting its Washington Journal program from time to time, and the folks at Esquire magazine have taken notice of her as well. And they enjoy her for, um, entirely different reasons, today's Washington Post "Reliable Source" column notes. Here's the magazine's tribute to her:

"She is not hot; she's beautiful. Her hair, thick and mahogany, shows no trace of having been put through much but a brush. Her dark eyes are moist, her smile prim and pink. Each facial plane -- her high, wide brow; that long, smooth heart-shaped stretch from cheekbone down to neck -- sings in milky harmony. . . . O, Greta! I need coffee; I want you."

If you must judge for yourself, you can find a link to Greta's latest Washington Journal appearance here. Click on the 10/04/2007 edition.