IGs: Policemen or Cheerleaders?

That's how Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., characterizes the choices facing inspectors general in the latest round of what seems to be an endless debate over their proper role and function in the federal government. USA Today reports on the efforts of McCaskill and others to boost the independence of IGs. The watchdogs, she says, need to operate without interference from the political leaders of agencies and be held accountable for their own misconduct.

In November, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed legislation that would raise the pay of IGs and provide them with more autonomy. The full House already has approved the measure.

Of course, this debate over IGs has been going on in one form or another for the entire 30 years since Congress created the IG position. And it's unlikely to stop any time soon, because even with the changes McCaskill has outlined, IGs will still be in the position of being charged both with helping agencies improve their management and with investigating misdeeds.

NEXT STORY: GSA Veteran Admits Taking Bribes