Memo to Would-Be Presidents: Overhaul Intelligence

Michael Tanji, who spent nearly two decades as an intelligence officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office, posts some thoughts over at Danger Room about what he'd like to see in a presidential candidate. Some of the more interesting ideas he backs:

  • "Purging the intelligence community of long-time incumbents and golden-handcuffed dinosaurs."
  • "Right-sizing the military and civilian intelligence community staff by eliminating duplication through consolidation and fighting for smart growth in key areas by proposing raises in manpower caps in human intelligence and all-source analysis disciplines."
  • "Refining the use of contractors in the defense and intelligence communities. Contractors are necessary and in some cases essential, but they should be used judiciously and over short periods of time."
  • "Dispersing as much of the national security apparatus across the country as possible. ... Let agencies keep their headquarters elements in DC, but send everyone else to Dayton, Omaha, Kansas City, Boise, etc."

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