Celebrating Distinguished Executives

Last night, I had the good fortune to attend the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award Banquet, sponsored by the Senior Executives Association (with a little help from Government Executive).

Everything about the event is a great reminder of the importance and value of public service. Before the dinner, you get to hang out in the State Department's Diplomatic Reception Rooms, where you can casually gaze at the 1783 Treaty of Paris and you need to be careful not to set your drink on Thomas Jefferson's writing desk.

Then you get to hear about the truly stunning accompishments of the winners of the distinguished rank awards. (You can read more about them in our special supplement in the April issue of the magazine.) It's genuinely inspiring to be in a roomful of people who have devoted their careers to public service and performed at such a high a level. And it's all the more amazing -- especially in such a classically Washington context -- when you talk to them and realize that they're virtually ego-free about what they've done.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to SEA for a terrific evening.