Engineers Endorse Obama

The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers has settled on its candidate for president, and the endorsement goes to ... Barack Obama.

The union represents engineers, scientists and technicians at the Defense and Energy departments and NASA.

Obama, said IFPTE president Gregory Junemann, "will immediately reverse the last eight years of the union busting promulgated on our nation’s civil servants; will stand against free trade agreements like NAFTA that fail to protect American workers; will address our nation’s dangerous health care crisis; will work to oppose irresponsible privatization schemes in the public and federal sectors; [and] will work to protect the pensions and retirement security of working Americans..."

Obama praised IFPTE for "working to make sure that Washington is working for working Americans." He added, "they’ll have a partner in the White House when I’m president. I’ll fight for organized labor by protecting the right to organize. I’ll support vigorous reinvestment in our federal research and development agencies, including NASA, to maintain America’s leadership in science and technology and to foster economic competitiveness."