Federal Diarist's Farewell

I was surprised to learn last week Stephen Barr will be taking a buyout and leaving his post as "Federal Diary" columnist for the Washington Post. This is a big loss for the people who cover the federal government -- and those who work for it.

The news business is highly competitive, and Steve always has been a tough competitor, routinely uncovering nuggets of news before the rest of us. But he's also always been a gracious colleague, more than willing to share his expertise with others on the federal beat. And he's always treated other reporters, no matter how young or inexperienced, as equals.

I fondly recall many hours spent with Steve covering hearings, meetings and events related to Al Gore's reinventing government effort, he as a seasoned journalist who knew all the right questions to ask, and me as a green reporter just trying to keep my eyes and ears open.

Sorry if this sounds like a euology, because it's not. I have no doubt that Steve will go on to do other great things in the new phase of his career that will start after he moves on in mid-June. But we'll miss him.