Doan vs. Waxman: It's On

Remember the Lurita Doan who vigorously defended herself in front of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., against allegations that she engaged in improper political activity while serving as head of the General Services Administration? Well, it turns out that was the nice Lurita Doan.

Now that she's no longer in government, Doan apparently feels free to take the gloves off in dealing with Waxman. She sent Government Executive a copy of a letter she faxed over to Waxman yesterday in his response to his report alleging that Bush administration officials had engaged in "unprecedented" efforts to aid Republican candidates before the 2006 elections.

It's worth reading the whole letter, but here are some choice excerpts:

I note that you have, once again, initiated your unique brand of vicious, partisan politics by releasing a deliberately false report prior to an important election. ... As a previous victim of your partisan manipulations, and your deliberately dishonest statements, I feel compelled to speak out against your false assertions, disparaging my service and my character for the sole purpose of your own partisan agenda.

Once again, you have falsely asserted that, as the administrator of GSA, I improperly attempted to use government resources or my office to influence an election. This assertion, masquerading as an official committee report, is especially reprehensible because you, more than anyone else, know that it is utterly false. ...

Your flawed report is also curious for what it does not contain. Nowhere is there mention that you relied heavily on the flawed investigation of Special Counsel, Mr. Scott Bloch. Nor is there any mention of the fact that the OSC Director, Mr. Bloch, was forced to hire an outfit called "Geeks on Call" to quickly come in and erase all the files of his government computers dealing with this investigation when it became clear that the evidence had been doctored. ...

I now understand you and your ubiquitous hypocrisy. I know how your witch hunts and kangaroo courts work. So please, invite me to testify. I can't wait.

NEXT STORY: Bring on the Regulators