Transition Gossip

Bush appointees have been headed out the door for a while, but we’ve only just gotten to the point in the presidential election, which is to say, immediately before it, where the names of potential high-level nominees start circulating. And the quality of presidential nominees is becoming a campaign issue: the latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows that Barack Obama has a 14-point advantage over John McCain when voters are asked about the candidates’ abilities to appoint qualified people to serve in their administration. 44 percent of the people polled said Obama would make good appointments, while only 30 percent said the same of McCain. The American Prospect has a clever guide to making into the next administration up on their website. And our colleague Marc Ambinder has been compiling nomination dish over at his blog, and the latest edition is up here. So let’s get started too; what do you guys think of these nominees? Anyone you’d like to be your ultimate boss? Or anyone who looks like the boss from hell? Let us know in comments.

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