Can We PLEASE Have a Department of Evil?

We've gotten off to an incredibly fast start on the Presidential transition, but one thing I haven't seen considered so far: who will President-Elect Obama appoint to fill important slots at certain overlooked departments and agencies, most of which, as far as I can tell, are covered only by The Onion. Clearly, the next Dread Secretary of the Department of Evil will have to operate within severe budget constraints, though he or she may be able to look outside the public sector to the Evil League of Evil. Obama will have to consider his connections to Hollywood carefully as he choses a Secretary of Mid-Level Talent and to seniors as he appoints a Secretary of Naps. In the interests of foreign relations, and as a gesture to small-government conservatives, however, Obama might consider shutting down the Department of the Exterior. And of course, he'll have to deal with the U.N. Undersecretary Your Mother Warned You About.

These are challenging times ahead, to be sure. But with any luck, administrations change but nerdy governance humor is forever.