Coburn's Congratulations

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., was quick to offer his congratulations to President-elect Obama today, calling his election an "historic victory not for any party or ideology but for America’s aspiration to be a country where anything is possible, and where all men are created equal." He also lauded Obama for extending an olive branch to Republicans in his victory speech and said GOPers "would be wise to accept his offer, roll up our sleeves and work together on areas where we can agree."

Obama might want to view that outreach with a slightly jaundiced eye. Because if there's anything Coburn has shown, it's that he will pull no punches in criticizing the executive branch, even when it's controlled by his own party. Witness the reports he's issued on alleged mismanagement at the Justice Department, unexcused absences by federal employees, and officials' travel to an international AIDS conference -- and that's just in the past three months.

NEXT STORY: Rumor Has It