Happy Birthday To Us

On this date 40 years ago, Richard Nixon was basking in the glow of his election as president. Yale University had just announced it would admit women. "Hey Jude" by the Beatles and “Harper Valley P.T.A.” by Jeannie C. Riley were burning up the pop charts. And in Scranton, Pa., a group of intrepid executives were gathered at a printing plant as the "pilot issue" of a brand new magazine they had invented rolled off the presses.

That magazine was Government Executive.

The first official edition of the magazine wouldn't come out until March 1969. So we'll be commemorating our 40th anniversary throughout next year. In the meantime, here's a look back at that inaugural edition:


(Sorry for the stains and scribbles on the cover. It's the only copy I have in my office -- and by the way, no, I haven't been around for the full 40 years, just a few more than I care to admit to right now.)