Prizes for the Partnership, Congratulations for the Council

Yesterday was a real red-letter day for two of the biggest good-government non-profits. First, Samuel Heyman, who founded the Partnership for Public Service, was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal for his work in the good-government movement. According to the official citation:

“As a lawyer, public servant, and philanthropist, Samuel Heyman has acted on his steadfast devotion to our Nation. By encouraging young leaders to answer the call of public service, he has helped promote a vibrant Federal workforce. The United States honors Samuel Heyman for his dedication to improving the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the Federal Government.”

The Partnership folks I talked to at the Council for Excellence in Government's 25th Anniversary celebration later in the evening were very excited about the award, understandably. And speaking of the Council, their celebration made for quite the evening. Your loyal blogger and company spotted former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge sporting a snazzy green tie, and a whole range of representatives from the good-government community.

And just as the presidential transition is proceeding, the Council announced that another part of theirs has fallen into place. Pat McGinnis announced she was stepping down as President and CEO of the Council 6 months ago, so this celebration was also a chance for her to pass the baton, at least temporarily, to her Executive Vice President, Lynn Jennings, who will take on those duties on an interim basis. No word yet on when they'll announce a permanent replacement.