
Since I'm relatively new here, I thought I'd take care of a couple of housekeeping matters.

1. I make spelling and grammar mistakes. We all do, especially under tight deadlines. I really do appreciate when you guys pick up on them. If you notice something, emailing me is a much faster way to reach me and to call a correction to my attention than leaving a comment, since I only review and post comments several times a day. My email address is I check it obsessively. I know many of you have suggested that I get a proofreader. Here at GE, we have one saintly copy editor who does everything for the web and the magazine. Were she to take on this too, it would be totally unfair to her and to her workload. So let's make a deal: I will try to be more careful about my own proof-reading, and you guys will email me if you see mistakes.

2. Sometimes my Mac at home gets a little crabby about writing URL code, and things look funny occasionally. Also happy to correct those font issues. Email is also the fastest way to let me know in these situations.

3. Comments! I love having them. I am happy you guys are here, and I hope these discussions will continue. I have to approve comments before they are posted, so if there's a delay in something you wrote going up, it's not censorship; I'm just busy and haven't gotten to comments in a bit. I just want to remind everyone that this is a family blog, and that we do have a comment policy in place that I adhere to. Here it is:

By using this Service you agree not to post material that is obscene, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable.

NEXT STORY: Government In Unusual Places